Welcome to my personal blog, where I discuss the following topics:

  • Business and investment strategy. While this will often be related to the web sector, it won't be limited to it.
  • Digital sociology. This is a hot topic, as various aspects of the "digital" world have significant disruptive potential for society, and it’s important to talk about it!
  • Applied philosophy. This is more personal, and it will stay at my own level of reflection.
  • Technical engineering, because the mind guides the hand, and the hand shapes the mind.

From 2022 (and before) to 2023, heading towards (yet another) extraordinary year?

3rd Feb 2023
Don't worry, I'm not going to give you yet another article about the day-by-day successes of the team in 2022. Last year, I didn't write an article about the transition to the new year, and the one on 2020 to 2021 was more focused on resilience in the face of the crisis, specifically the COVID crisi...

Some Good Reasons to Leave Academia

26th Feb 2017
Version française de ce billet disponible ici Here is a post that took me a long time to write. A long time, because I didn’t want to write such a post too soon after taking a leave of absence. Indeed, time could have eventually changed my perspective on the academic world. In the end, it didn’t....